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Pediatric Board Review Multiple Choice Questions & Answers Vol. 5

Q1. All of the following statements are true in patients with Asperger disorders except :
  1. Severe language impairments
  2. Repetitive behaviors
  3. Qualitative impairment in the development of reciprocal social interactions
  4. Restricted, obsessional, and idiosyncratic interests
  5. High risk for psychiatric disorders
Q2. The preferred therapy in patients with Asperger disorders is ;
  1. Group social skills training
  2. Individual occupational skills training
  3. Audiologic evaluations and placement of hearing aid
  4. Vision evaluations by ophthalmologist
  5. Phenytoin
Q3. The frontal sinuses first appear radiologically around:
  1. Birth
  2. 2 years of age
  3. 4 years of age
  4. 6 years of age
  5. 8 years of age
Q4. The ethmoid sinuses reach their maximum size during:
  1. 0-1 year of age
  2. 1-3 years of age
  3. 4-7 years of age
  4. 7-14 years of age
  5. 14-18 years of age
Q5. Blood pressure rises steadily beginning at approximately :
  1. 1 month of age
  2. 1 year of age
  3. 2 year of age
  4. 4 year of age
  5. 6 year of age
Q6. All of the following statements are true about psychosocial problems except :
  1. Children should be allowed and encouraged to express their feelings of fear, anger, or dismay.
  2. Parents should tell their children to be a “good girl” or “good boy”.
  3. Anticipatory guidance during periods of stress helps children to achieve more positive outcomes.
  4. Anticipatory guidance during periods of stress help families to achieve more positive outcomes.
  5. Parents should prepare their children in advance for potentially traumatic events
Q7. A healthy child appears with a history of encopresis. The important physical examination must include
  1. Thyroid examination
  2. Vertebral column examination
  3. Abdominal palpation
  4. Rectal examination
  5. Hip joint examination
Q8. The rectal examination in a child with encopresis reveals absence of fectal impaction. The next step in management is: :
  1. Plain abdominal x-ray
  2. Barium enema
  3. Upper GI series
  4. Abdominal CT scan
  5. Abdominal ultrasonography
Q9. A child developed a complication secondary to surgical hypoparathyroidism. The following complication may be the first clinical manifestation in this patient:
  1. Cataracts
  2. Renal stones
  3. Carotid artery aneurysm
  4. Gallbladder stones
  5. Superior vena cava thrombosis
Q10. A child develops oxaluria. The most likely diagnosis is:
  1. Vitamin A excess
  2. Vitamin C excess
  3. Vitamin D excess
  4. Vitamin K excess
  5. Vitamin E excess

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